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How will the Access ACS process work for you?
Guests who are not currently in our database can also contribute to St. John's UMC, but will need to submit their information through Access ACS to create an account.​
In order to log into Access ACS, the church must have an email address for you on file. Your first name, last name, suffix (Jr., Sr., III), and email address must match what is on file, or you will not be allowed to create your log-in.
For example, if you aren’t sure whether we have you listed as William or Bill, just call the church office to find out.
Please contact the church office​ if you need to add your email address to our file.
You must register as a new user the first time. Underneath the blue box, you’ll see “Need a login? Click Here” and you’ll click on that link.
The next screen is the Account Sign Up. You’ll type in your e-mail address, First Name, Last Name and Suffix, click “find me”.
If your information matches, you will get a message indicating you have successfully set up a member account. A user name and password will be e-mailed to the e-mail address that is on file for you.
You will need to remember your user name, but don’t worry about trying to memorize the obscure password ACS provides. You will be required to change it the first time you log in.
For additional assistance, click the Account Set Up Instructions button.
Create a strong password
The first time you sign on with your new username and password, you will be immediately prompted to create a new password. Here are some suggestions for creating a strong password:
It should not contain your username or email address
It should not contain any of these characters: < & > / ; % [space] ‘ or “
It should contain two or more numbers
It should contain both lower and uppercase letters
It should be over eight (8) characters long
More Questions and Answers
Q: How do I get started?
A: Click on Give Now. The login screen will display. Create a login account. Under the “Sign In” screen, it reads “Need a Login?” Click here.​
Q: Why do I have to create an account?
A: Setting up an account and password allows you to enter a highly secure environment for your transaction. Once your account and password are established, all of your personal information including credit card information is safe and protected. Scroll up to the top of this page for more information on setting up an account.
Q: Why do you need my email address?
A: As part of our security measures, an email address is needed to verify your information. It will also be helpful to us to contact you if there is a question. Email addresses will not be sold or leased to third parties.​
Q: Is it secure?
A: Our software provider, ACS Technologies, is the largest developer of church management software in the industry. In conjunction with our bank, we have provided a secure data source to process payments and are subject to periodic security audits to ensure safety and privacy of your data.
Q: Are there any fees involved with giving online?
A: No. You will not pay any fees with an online gift. However, there are some administrative costs to the church associated with processing credit card transactions. You select the dollar amount for your gift. That is the dollar amount that will be recognized as your donation.
Q: What credit cards are accepted?
A: We can process MasterCard, Visa & Discover.
Q: Can I try this by giving one time?
A: Yes, you can enter the amount of the contribution and designate which fund your donation is intended.
Q: Can I designate my gift to a particular fund?
A: Yes, you can choose from the drop down list which fund you would like to contribute. The default for the General Fund is "Env/Pledges/Tithes" but others will be added.
Q: Can I review my donation history online?
A: Yes, the site will allow you to view the history of your online contributions as well as any other donations after you have created an account.
Q: Will I still receive a regular year-end contribution statement from the church?
A: Yes, St John's United Methodist Church will continue to mail contributions for your tax purposes.
Please contact Minda Siebert, Finance Coordinator, at (803) 547-7538
or send her an email at
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